Data structure task classes (dqa.tasks.data_structure)#


Concatenates data rows across all measurements in a machine.

ConcatenateRows(input_name, output_name[, axis])

Concatenation of data rows.


Creates a copy of the input data rows.


Generates deep copies of the input datasets.


Creates specified datasets / parts of them.

CreateDataRow(value[, length])

Creates a new data row with specified name and values.


Transfers data associated to the input_name from the ata to the metadata dictionary.


Interleaves multiple input arrays into one.

Join([measurements, concatenate_rows])

Joins parts of the data sets on possibly multiple levels (data sets, machines, measurements, data rows).

JoinDatasets(input_dataset, output_dataset, ...)

Joins multiple datasets by concatenating the measurement lists for each machine.

JoinMachines(output_machine[, remove_old, ...])

Joins machines by concatenating their measurement lists.

JoinMeasurementsByKey(key_name, **kwargs)

Within each machine, this task joins all measurements with the same value for a specified metadata entry.

MachinesToDataRows(output_machine, **kwargs)

Combines data rows from multiple machines and stores them in one machine under the name '{data_row_name} ({machine_name})'.

Metadata(parameters, **kwargs)

Adds specified key-value pairs to the metadata.

MetadataArrayToDict(index_name, **kwargs)

A table of metadata is converted into a dictionary.

MetadataDefaultValue(entry_name, value[, ...])

Sets default values for metadata entries.


Transfers data associated to the input_name from the metadata to the data dictionary.

Move([input_measurement, output_measurement])

Moves specified content across the datasets.

RearrangeDatasetByRowNames(regex[, ...])

Parses the data row names using a regex that determines machine name, measurement index and coordinate along a new axis.


Removes the data rows specified as input.


Rename parts of the datasets.

RenameRowMetadata(names_to_change, new_name)

Renames one or multiple metadata entries for a specific data row.

RowValuesToMachineNames(row_name, **kwargs)

Turns the values in one specified row into machine names and rearranges the data accordingly.

Split(input_name, axis, ranges[, output_name])

Splits up a data row into multiple parts along a specified axis.


Splits a two-dimensional array into multiple one-dimensional ones.

SplitMeasurementsByIndex(index_name, **kwargs)

Applied to a measurement containing a table (i.e. data rows with equal length), this table is split up into multiple different measurements by an index data row such that for each value of the index, the result contains one measurement.

SplitMeasurementsBySize(size, **kwargs)

Splits measurements up such that for each data row, blocks of a specified size make up the new measurements.

Stack(input_name, output_name[, axis])

Concatenates input arrays along a newly added axis using np.stack.

Stack2D(input_name, output_name, **kwargs)

Reshapes all input rows to two-dimensional arrays and concatenates them.

SubstituteNamesRegex(input_regex, output_regex)

Performs a regex substitution on names in the dataset.